Thank you to the American labor movement and the social and economic achievements of workers! Here at 350 Tacoma, we know that jobs and a cleaner environment are not mutually exclusive. Jobs in clean energy – like solar and wind – now outperform jobs in fossil fuels in nearly every state, and will keep growing as technologies get cheaper. Let’s not get left out of the clean energy economy. Bring green jobs and training opportunities to Tacoma!
Did you know:
- Solar cells were invented in the US and wind turbines were pioneered here as well.
- Solar-energy jobs are growing 12 times as fast as the US economy.
- Wind turbine technician is the fastest-growing occupation in the US.
- The shift to wind and solar would create a net of more than 20 million full-time jobs worldwide.
- With a $520 billion investment in energy efficiency the US could meet 23% of projected demand, save $1.2 trillion, and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 1,000 coal-fired power plants.
- US companies that commit most ambitiously to green energy have enjoyed a 27% return on investment.
- Per investment, green energy creates 3 times more jobs than coal, oil and gas.
- The shift to wind and solar energy could help countries save the 3% of their GDP they now lose on health costs related to air pollution.