We raise our hands in deep gratitude to Protectors of the Salish Sea, who just completed a 7-day Walk to Protect & Restore the Salish Sea on the traditional territory of the Nisqually Tribe — from the headwaters of the glacier at təqʷuʔmaʔ (Mt Tahoma) to the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge where the river meets the Salish Sea.

The walk was a powerful and healing journey that overcame great adversity, building bonds and family among those who participated. And talk about good medicine! Their journey ended on the day that all 73 critically endangered Southern Resident Orcas came together as a superpod to welcome the birth of J-57, a calf born to mother Tahlequah, the orca who grieved the loss of her baby for 17 days and 1,000 miles in 2018.

The people of our Salish Sea are rising like the tide again! To protect what we love and cherish as sacred, to stand together like the trees and lift each other up! The “each other” includes our grandchildren’s grandchildren, the orca and salmon people, the tree and bird people and all the other animal people of our Salish Sea. To stand in solidarity with Salish Sea tribes to ensure their treaty rights are honored, respected and for other nations to have their unceded territories, natural laws honored and respected.