Choking on Climate Fires

Another day of unprecedented smoke and wildfires throughout all Western states. Make no mistake, the fossil fuel industry and the banks that fund them set these fires, with weakened regulatory agencies and cowardly politicians adding fuel to the flames.

Numerous studies have tied increasing CO2 emissions and climbing temperatures to increased acreage of burning across the Western U.S. More than 587,000 acres have burned in Washington since Monday, topping the half-a-million acres that burned in the state’s worst wildfire season in 2015.

Folks, our house is literally on fire and we’ve got to end the fossil fuel era as soon as humanly possible!

That’s why we fight to stop Puget Sound Energy’s fracked gas LNG facility. That’s why we show up when Tacoma City County votes 9-0 yet again to allow expansion of fossil fuel facilities in the Tideflats. That’s why we’re asking the city to do an environmental impact study of the planned expansion of SeaPort Sound Terminal (Targa) petrochemical tanks. And that’s why we stand with the residents of tiny Kalama, WA, to stop the world’s largest fracked-gas-to-methanol refinery in their town, just like Tacomans did here.

Now we need everyone to join this fight!

This morning, these pictures should be on the front page of every newspaper in America with an accompanying article about the #ClimateCrisis that includes the fact that we need to be halfway to zero greenhouse emissions in the next ten years if we hope to have any chance of a livable future.This is our world at 1°C Imagine what 2°C will be like. Imagine what 3°C will be like. Imagine what 4°C will be like.Credit to

Oroville, CA

Lincoln City, OR

San Francisco, CA

Salem, OR

Eugene, OR