Reject Puget Sound Energy’s Dirty Money!

We ask elected representatives to sign pledges not to accept donations from fossil fuel companies.

It’s time we start doing the same as non-profits and community groups.

Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is a for-profit fossil fuel company, despite cloaking themselves as an energy utility. Around 60% of PSE’s electric energy is sourced from fossil fuels. On top of that, they provide gas to 900K customers. Their actions are often harmful to our communities, while actively greenwashing their reputation by sponsoring local and regional events. It’s time we stop enabling this behavior, and start rejecting PSE’s social bribery.

How We Do It



The greenwashing game and resources of PSE run deep, so we need to educate our neighbors and community groups about the reality of the situation. Then we need to ask them to pledge not to take donations or event sponsorship from Puget Sound Energy. When people see an event focused on environmental or social justice, and see the list of event sponsors, it can give a false impression that the sponsor aligns with the values of the event. 

Tools have been created, making it easy to participate!

Pledge to Reject PSE’s Dirty Money Form Organizations, Community Groups & Faith Groups can fill out this form to officially pledge not to accept any donations or event sponsorships from Puget Sound Energy.

Letter to send to event organizers when you see that PSE is a sponsor This is a letter you can copy or personalize, and send to an organization or group when you notice that they are hosting an event with Puget Sound Energy listed as a sponsor.

Letter to send to organizations urging them to pledge to reject donations or sponsorships from PSE This is a letter you can send or personalize to an organization, community group, or faith group to encourage them to take the Pledge.

Graphics urging the rejection of PSE sponsorship and donations This google drive provides downloadable graphics for the campaign. (Coming soon!)

Form to track actions taken Wanna let us know about letters you’ve sent to organizations & groups? This is the place! 

Reasons why PSE’s Money is Dirty & Should Be Rejected:

Puget Sound Energy is actively holding back the transition to renewable energy

PSE spends massive amounts of money on campaign contributions and lobbying to influence state and local politics. With so much of its business interests tied to the “natural” gas industry, there’s no surprise that PSE uses this influence to slow or stop laws and policies intended to transition away from fossil fuels. Some of this work is done through industry front groups, including Partnership for Energy Progress and the American Gas Institute. Learn more in the articles below:


PSE’s LNG fracked gas refinery in Tacoma violated Indigenous sovereignty, and puts the health and safety of local residents at risk

A liquefied natural gas (LNG) refinery and storage tank placed by PSE on the edge of the Puyallup Tribe’s Reservation was opposed by the Tribe, received massive public outcry, and became the focal point of years of nonviolent direct action. PSE began construction two years before obtaining proper permits, and ignored official Stop Work Requests by the Tribe’s government–a sovereign nation. Calls for deeper analysis of health and safety impacts by the Tribe, the Tacoma Human Rights Commission, community organizations and concerned residents were ignored. Instead PSE sent representatives to gaslight the public with stunts including lighting a cigarette at a community informational meeting while holding a glass supposedly filled with LNG to prove it was safe. PSE’s permit application used data more than ten years old and included scenarios so misleading the Attorney General called it “fictional”. To add insult to injury, PSE pushed off almost half the construction costs of the facility onto their residential ratepayers, despite only around 2% of the facility being for residential use, with the main purpose being to supply fuel to maritime customers. 


Puget Sound Energy blocks local attempts to create publicly-owned utilities

Local jurisdictions can create public utility districts, replacing privately-owned, for-profit energy providers like PSE. This is done through ballot initiatives. It can lead to lower monthly bills, more reliable service, and less fossil fuels used in the energy mix. For example, Snohomish County PUD & Seattle City Light use less than 5% fossil fuels in their electric energy sources, while PSE is around 60% fossil fuels. When Washington counties have attempted these ballot initiatives, Puget Sound Energy has dumped unprecedented funds into opposition campaigns.


Puget Sound Energy funds pro-gas propaganda, including targeting children

Despite numerous studies and evidence that “natural” gas, aka methane, is an extremely potent greenhouse gas exacerbating the climate crisis, PSE spends countless amounts of money on PR campaigns framing gas as a cleaner, necessary transition fuel. The propaganda also aims to paint gas as the best way to cook food, even though studies have long confirmed that it’s harmful to our health. One sobering statistic brings home the seriousness of the problem–children that live in homes with gas stoves are 42% more likely to develop symptoms of asthma, than children in homes with electric stoves. Some of this PR happens through industry front groups that PSE is part of, including Partnership For Energy Progress and the American Gas Association.


Puget Sound Energy’s frequent rate-hikes & for-profit ownership overburden customers

Puget Sound Energy is one of the most expensive energy utilities in Washington state, making it hard for low income customers to afford electricity. One reason is that as a for-profit corporation, millions of dollars are spent every year on shareholder dividends and executive salaries. Another reason is that PSE is frequently asking the state to approve rate hikes to both gas and electric services. The state guarantees shareholders a return on investments when infrastructure is built–even when the public won’t really benefit from the project (such as the Tacoma LNG refinery) or when communities want different kinds of projects that would be better long term investments (such as Energize Eastside).