2020 End of Year Report

350 Tacoma - 2020 End of Year Report (Photo of Black Lives Matter activist leading protest). Mission Statement, Strategy, Community Space, Black Lives Matter, Fossil Fuels, and Transforming Hate.

In our 2020 End of the Year Report (below) for 350 Tacoma (below): About Us, Mission Statement, Land Acknowledgement, Strategy, Community Space at 311 Puyallup Avenue, Black Lives Matter, Fossil Fuels, and Transforming Hate. 350 Tacoma is a local independent group of 350.org, an international grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. (Click here for our 2021 End of the Year Report)



Here’s a quick summary of what’s in 350 Tacoma’s 2020 End of Year Report.


  • A fast and just transition to 100% renewable energy for all.
  • No new fossil fuel projects anywhere.
  • Not a penny more for dirty energy.


  • Build a multiracial organization to organize and mobilize a multiracial base.
  • Build and deepen the grassroots climate justice movement.
  • Build political opposition to the fossil fuel industry and support for a just transition.
  • Build widespread public blame of climate impacts and project impacts on the fossil fuel industry.

311 Puyallup Avenue

Our community space at 311 Puyallup Avenue opened up so many avenues for our little group and was the hub of our activities. Then COVID-19 hit in March.

Black Lives Matter

At 350 Tacoma we understand that climate justice is racial justice. We are grateful for the clear leadership and guidance from the Black leadership at 350.org.

Fossil Fuels

As always, we continued our fight against fossil fuels in Tacoma by supporting


A huge thank you to our donors, volunteers, funders, and all those who contributed in so many ways over the past year, including Stand Up to Oil (Communities Fueling Change) and Power Past Fracked Gas.

Transforming Hate

350 Tacoma hosted a special workshop and public reading on transforming hate in collaboration with Creative Colloquy and the Arts Bridging Communities Initiative.